A Summer Camp in a Pocket Dimension for Heroes-In-Training?! Let's Go!
Hey gang!
It’s time to pack your bags and head off to Camp Tenderpeak with our upcoming Kickstarter: The Heroes of Radness: Camp Tenderpeak!
Play as a camper in a pocket dimension summer camp for young heroes-in-training! Learn cool skills at camp -- like laser-building, ritual magic, or handicrafts -- and explore the pocket dimension outside of the main campgrounds, helping others and stopping jerks from picking on nice pocket dimension folks that are just doing their own thing!
Being a good camper isn’t all just zapping baddies and helping nice folks. It’s also about learning to work together. Campers have to learn how to deal with each other, learning about the strengths of their camping buds and how to help others when they aren’t getting along.
As you learn to harness your sweet skills and learn more about quality heroing, you will become eligible for the most coveted relic of Camp Tenderpeak: the merit badge! Earning a Camp Tenderpeak merit badge isn’t just about recognition of a camper’s skills, it’s also how campers unlock new abilities! So get out there and start earning some badges!
The Heroes of Radness: Camp Tenderpeak is built on an experimental evolution of the Story Pillar system that has been evolved for more campaign-style roleplaying. It’ll focus on the hallmarks of the original system -- conflict, emotional growth, and storytelling -- but will expand to allow for character progression and a storyteller to focus the tale. This experiment will help us determine where we’ll take the system next, while giving you a fun new storytelling experience!
On February 25th, we’ll be releasing our next Kickstarter in conjunction with Kickstarter’s ZineQuest 3 event! I hope that you’ll help us get this across the finish line! Until then, happy camping!
-- Jason