Extra Life 2016
We interrupt our PAX West 2016 review with a very important message! It's time for Extra Life, a 24-hour gaming marathon for Children's Miracle Network hospitals! Participants raise money during the year and then spend 24 hours gaming. This includes video games and tabletop games.
I've participated for the last four years and this year won't be an exception. I'm currently raising money for my Extra Life marathon, all of which will be going to Seattle Children's Hospital. To make things interesting, I've added some incentives to the donation process. You'll be able to help pick video games that I play, participate in a remote session of Home by Dark, and even make me play games in ridiculous accents!
The day of the marathon is Saturday, November 5th. I'll be playing from 10am to 10am Sunday morning. I hope to get some great tabletop and video gaming in and have some fun while raising money for a very worthy cause!
Please take the time to check out my Extra Life page! I'll be adding more incentives over the next few weeks to entice more people to donate.
- Jason